Wow. It's been nearly a year since I wrote in this blog. I feel like I have become a completely different person since I last wrote, and so I don't intend on keeping the blog exactly as I have before. I hope to write something in it every day, hopefully with a literary or scholarly bent to it, but just something every day, to give me a way to center my day. I won't pretend to be a book reviewer, but I'll post what I'm reading, and give a few of my opinions of the work. I'll post about cool giveaways and contests, and talk about my own pursuits. I have a few goals this summer, before I return to school. One of them is to work on the project which consumed me last summer. It was called Parade at that time. I'm not sure what its name will be now, but I hope to continue it and refine it. Also, I'm working on research for a scholarly paper which requires lots of translation and the reading of lots of notes on the author I'm studying. It's a top secret topic, for now, until I can get more of a claim on it, but I'll probably include some notes on how the research project is going. My final goal is to find some gainful employment, but I find that venture pretty much hopeless, since I'm only back for the summer and I have to be gone a couple times for commitments I've already made. But I've resigned myself to try, and I'll let you know how that goes.
Also, for those of you who followed me on twitter, in an interesting couple of days I deactivated my twitter, and in doing so lost all of my followers. So, if you would like to continue hearing about my works and some of my musings, follow me at @sarahckeith.
Have a nice day!
Sarah Keith